I haven't had much time for this blog over the last month, hence no new posts in November. Just a quick update: At our regular Blue Lodge meeting this past week we had the election and appointment of officers for next year. I was appointed as one of the Stewards.
Also, at our October meeting our Lodge voted to have a web page and I was elected as Webmaster. I designed the web site and submitted it to the Grand Master for approval. I just got the word yesterday that it was approved for content and style, so it's up and active now:
‘…but it’s a good tired’
10 hours ago
Congratulations on the occasion of your two appointments. I - as you - started in the officer positions as a Steward. Quite a few years later, I am still an officer and am also my Lodge's barely competent webmaster.
A piece of advice: Resist "jumping" any chairs. Each position offers something of worth for those that may have the potential of being elected to the East one day.
I agree with PB about jumping chairs. I went from Senior Steward to Junior Warden. That is one of the reasons I took it upon myself to learn the Senior Deacons long lecture for the second degree. You also can make friends with Past Masters as they sit in the East and then take their leave. Nothing beats getting a PM's advice on a Lodge matter.
Mill, that's unless, of course, you get conflicting advice from PMs.
Esq., as Mr. Bug has suggested, once you assume a Steward's position, it's naturally expected you are going to advance through the Deacons and Wardens chairs to assume the East. Prepare now. I hope you have good examples about you of men who know the basics of protocol and running a meeting, and of those in the "higher" chairs as to how to do the floorwork properly. Once you've got that down, that's half the battle.
Nick is an example right here about the futility of resisting jumping chairs. In one of my Lodges, both Deacons moved out of the province and Inner Guard's health precluded him from advancing. The incoming WM, unfortunately, had to move people far in advance of where they should be.
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